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The 2023 Awards Voting is LIVE now! Go vote!

By Zach Colvin, 09/21/23, 9:30AM MDT


It is time to start our official voting process for our 2022-2023 Awards Nominees! There were a tremendous number of people nominated this year, and we're very excited for you to participate in helping us select the final winners!

Winners will be recognized at the 2023 BRUNSON HALL OF FAME BANQUET AND AWARDS NIGHT on October 16th at Utah Valley University. They'll be recognized during the Hall of Fame induction of Brock Moore and Jason Chamberlain, two absolute greats from Utah's wrestling community.

Here's the link to vote for this year's awards winners:

Here's the link to purchase tickets to the event:*ywmxlq*_ga*NjM4NjgzMjMwLjE2OTMzMzIyNzE.*_ga_PQ25JN9PJ8*MTY5NTA3OTQwMi4zMy4xLjE2OTUwODAxODUuMC4wLjA.#_ga=2.228793172.997145684.1695066227-638683230.1693332271