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Unlock Excellence With Rob Tate!

By Zach Colvin, 08/24/23, 1:45PM MDT


Rob Tate Wrestling Clinics: Elevating Excellence

Join Head Men's Wrestling Coach Rob Tate from Queens University for two transformative clinics:

Clinic 1
- Date: August 24th
- Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
- Location: Telos U, Orem

Clinic 2
- Date: August 26th
- Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
- Location: Canyon View High School, Cedar City

Open to intermediate to advanced wrestlers, 3rd to 12th grade. Bring your gear and eagerness to learn!


Must have USA Wrestling Athlete Membership Card.

If you need to purchase a membership card, you can do so starting 8/21 at


Why Attend Wrestling Clinics?

For young wrestlers determined to rise to the top, attending wrestling clinics is the crucial first step. These transformative events offer expert guidance, skill enhancement, and mental toughness training, providing the competitive edge needed for success.

1. **Expert Coaching:** Clinics offer direct access to experienced coaches, providing technical insights and strategies that reshape a wrestler's approach.

2. **Skill Refinement:** Intensive sessions allow wrestlers to fine-tune techniques, master new moves, and enhance their overall skill set.

3. **Mental Toughness:** Clinics include mental conditioning, fostering resilience and the ability to stay focused under pressure.

4. **Competition & Camaraderie:** Wrestlers test skills in a friendly yet competitive environment, forming lasting connections.