1. Q: What is USA Wrestling Utah?

A: USA Wrestling – [Utah is a volunteer driven, non-profit organization that supports wrestling in Utah County].

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2. How do I donate to your program?

A: One of our ways for online donations is through PayPal. Donors can submit donationsby clicking on the button located on the middle right corner of this site’s home page.

3. Q: How can I get involved?

A: Please contact any board member or contact a coach to see how you can contribute to Wrestle Utah.

4. What does it take to be successful in wrestling?

A: Kids with a hard work ethic and a coachable attitude are necessary to be successful in this sport, whether the youth has natural ability or not. While it helps to be naturally athletic, the hardest working and most competitive kids are typically the most successful.  Every kid “clicks” at different stages and it can sometimes take a couple of years before they start to win consistently.  There is not one specific formula to succeeding in this sport.  Some kids are strong, some are fast and some are more technical.  But the ones whowork hard and strive to improve every day are the ones who become the best.

Wrestlers also see how these two attributes – hard working and coachable attitude – apply to succeeding in life in general. Those who seek to exceed their personal best also tend to do well in their relationships, their careers, and their health.